More squirrels

Since March 20th when the squirrel broke my leg we have still had squirrels around. We could hear them in between the floors and sometimes on our huge enclosed front porch. …

Since March 20th when the squirrel broke my leg we have still had squirrels around. We could hear them in between the floors and sometimes on our huge enclosed front porch.

We came out of the garage last night and spotted a squirrel on the roof. We decided to wait right there to see if he was getting into the house. My buddy and come over a couple of weeks ago and taken that spray in foam insulation stuff and put it into everywhere possible that a squirrel might have gotten in.

After about 5 minutes the squirrel started to move, he moves to the corner of the roof and slips into the house. Upon a closer look you would have never noticed this hole, its in a shadow and relatively small.

My wife goes up to the bedroom right next to where the hole is and pounds on the wall. I get the pellet gun and start shooting at it when it pops its head out. I take a dozen shots and I'm not very sure if I hit it.

We put the ladder up and my wife climbs up (My leg is very sore and unseteady else I would have gone up). She has a stick that she bangs around by the hole. That squirrel is hissing and trying to bat the stick away. It was making such weird noises we didn't know if I had hit it or not. It gets to dark to do anymore and we go in the house.

Next morning. I hear these very loud noises on our large enclosed front porch. I investigate (taking the pellet gun with me). I turn the corner, there he is sitting on a windowsill. I take aim and shoot but I'm pretty sure I missed. He buries himself in the mess. I come back in a 1/2 hour and I see him under the treadmill. I shoot, hmm, I might have hit him. He runs away again. Another 1/2 hour and again he is under the treadmill. I shoot again and I'm not sure if I hit him. But again he runs away. Another 1/2 hour, I see him in a corner by a box, I shoot and for sure I hit him. In fact, I think he's dead now. I get a snow shovel, pick it up and start carrying it when all of a sudden it comes alive and jumps off the shovel and runs across the porch and goes under the couch.

I get the pellet gun again and now I have a clear shot at it and I get it good. Its buried in the garden. But wait, there is more…

I'm pumped, I think we have finally solved the problem. I wait for my wife to come home so I can tell her I got the squirrel and we can plug up the entrance hole.

She comes home, I tell her excitedly about the whole episode. She says, "That's great." She brings some stuff to pack the whole up and heads up the ladder. She comes back inside after a moment and says, "The squirrel is still in there!"

Not much to do, I have to go away for a long weekend (the Dr Pool finals). Monday on my way back into town I stop at where my wife works. She tells me that she thinks there is a squirrel in the basement! Just great. When I get home I investigate. Sure enough the basement is a mess. That squirrel has been running around the basement knocking everything over. Yep, I see him also.

On my trip I had stopped at my mother-in-laws and she had gotten us a live trap. So I set the trap and went to work. I came home breifly a couple of hours later to check the trap and there was a squirrel. Yep, this one is out in the garden also.

So we thought this was it, we could plug that hole. When we are out in the garden we see that darn squirrel going into his hole again! Now I was getting ticked. Even though it hurt to climb the ladder I climbed up and I was able to beat him to his hole and stuff some cloth into it.

I go back to work and come home a few hours later after work. Yep, he had dragged out that wad of cloth. I set the trap outside in the hopes I will get him overnight.

Morning, no squirrel in the trap. He's not around and I'm ready this time. I've got an old chain and steel wool and I scurry up the ladder and pack it in the hole. What do you know, an hour later I've got a squirrel in the trap.

We were feeling generous this time. It was a nice sunny day so we drove 10 miles out of town and let him go in a field. I do hope he doesn't bother anyone else!

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